Wednesday 4 January 2012

Resolution shmesolution

I'm going to write on this more; considering I haven't written on it since July I feel that's a positively achievable statement.

So let's start with something fun! I shall ignore all the skullduggery that has passed during the Christmas period (it's been going on for two years, so why make a spectacle of it here?) and just let you know that it's nice to be concentrating on some absolute core geekery: comics.

Let me be accurate about something; while I love comics (ranging from Teen Titans to Lenore) the real attraction they hold for me are the costumes/suits. I don't claim to have any great knowledge of story arcs or origins and, let's face it, the ones I do know have been re-imagined anyway!

Wonder Woman was my first foray into the world of masks and crime-fighting, I used to wind my Pampa up on Saturday afternoons when I wanted to watch Wonder Woman, because he wanted to watch The A-Team on the other side. Seeing Wondie kick the asses of the baddies and still look awesome was fantastic!
I got my first Wonder Woman dressing-up outfit when I was 5 or 6 as a present from my Godfather and loved it! I had little satin star-spangled shorts, a PVC headband, belt and cuffs as well as red vest with the yellow eagle emblazoned across my chest; I was a heroine! It wasn't down to the powers I had been given (to irritate my brother), the invisible plane I flew from the top of the stairs ("Heather, stop playing on the stairs now!" yes, mum!) but the awesome outfit I donned.

Surprisingly, when I grew up I only actually owned one mask suit, and that was Super Girl; I bought it after I had dyed my hair darker (from very blonde to manky dark blonde) so it was silly to have gotten it really and I felt like I was cheating on Diana's image, but it was for a publicity stunt for a show I was in and without black hair it didn't seem right to dress as Wonder Woman.
However if I were to ever release the geek and go to any Con's there would be one woman I would go as; not Diana Prince's alter ego, but Donna Troy aka WonderGirl aka Troia aka Darkstar etc etc.
The way I see it, she's freaking awesome, she gets to be Wonder Woman when Diana cops out for a bit and she has very cool blue-black hair. She's pretty much the only character I've really looked into and her many story arcs just let her be pretty bad-ass. There's tragedy thrown in for good measure and she's not really considered a main-stream DC character but I think she's rather interesting. I decided to collect the DC Super Hero Collection magazine and 78 DC character models later, Raven and Black Canary (she marries Green Arrow) have sneaked onto my radar among others, but it's all about the costume and the physically impossible figures :D

Anyway, back to the sketcHiness link for it all and that is my new designs are based on superheroes. There are other elements of geekery in there (I love Doctor Who, Star Trek, HP & LOTR) but it mainly features those of the masked crime-fighters.
Here's a sneak peek - it was going to be DT, but I thought you would appreciate Wonder woman more.

1 comment:

  1. I don't believe in coincidence, but I do think it's funny that the episode of Frasier where he throws a Hallowe'en party is on Comedy Central Extra and Roz is dressed as Wonder Woman because she's her hero :)


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